Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Enter To Win The #HauntingHook Writing Contest!

Enter now for your chance to win an Amazon gift card and more!

Are You Scarier Than Stephen King?

"The terror that would not end for another 28 years, if it ever did, began so far as I can know or tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain." Stephen King, It

Now it's your turn! Enter now for your chance to win the #HauntingHook Scary Story Opener Contest!

Conjure up your spookiest opening to a scary story in 50 words or less for your chance to win prizes like an $100 Amazon gift card, a free year of Grammar Coach Premium™, Dictionary.com swag, and more!

Don't get scared away—submit your Haunting Hook...only if you dare! Mwahahaha!
Submit Your Haunting Hook!


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