Thursday, April 21, 2011

mumbo jumbo: Word of the Day Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Thursday, April 21, 2011

mumbo jumbo \MUHM-boh JUHM-boh\, noun:

1. Senseless or pretentious language, usually designed to obscure an issue, confuse a listener, or the like.
2. Meaningless incantation or ritual.
3. An object of superstitious awe or reverence.

You go into people's houses, do some mumbo jumbo, right, they don't know the difference. How much do you make?
-- Han Ong, Fixer Chao
I despise his mumbo jumbo, his fanatical adherents, his arcane incantations to the psyche, his dreamy unprovable theories, his endless categorizations of all things human.
-- Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides

Though the popular impression is that mumbo jumbo derives from an African language of the Niger region, this supposition is unproven, and the term's origin is uncertain.

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